How to activate the platinum edition software for Super Mb Star / MB SD C4 ?
Here is the detailed instruction for Platinum version activation.
For this SS160 Platinum version of super mb star / mb sd c4 software. It has the keygen on the desktop. You can activate the software by yourself. If you do not know how to do, you can send the activation code to us for activation.
1) Xentry: When you open software, you will see software like this, click this icon Star Utilities -Starkeycenter, then you will see system number data like this.
System number:
Hardware ID: 4A1902E6D33E
App ID: 252
LAN ID: 08006E3EFF9C
Use this HARDWARE ID and APP ID for xentry activation.
After you get the code, click start keys, and you will see this, input the activation data to the blank.
2)For EPC and WIS activation:
Click on desktop. Then you need to fill in user id and password. EWA NET user: admin, password: supermbstar
Click Administration-Server-Edit the access authorization, then enter the EPCnet and WISnet to activate them.
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