K-Touch MAP OBDII Master Handheld ECU Programmer Customer FAQs

New Genius is the world’s first Touch & Map device which allows reading/programming the ECU in modern vehicles over OBD2. New Genius K-Touch MAP OBD2 Master with Free Winols 2.24&ECM Titanium 1.61 is update version of Kess v2, more new vehicles supported.


Q: What does K-Touch MAP OBD2 Master Software include?
A: Please view the K touch software details as display,


1. ECU Chip tunning software: it is unfriendly and you are supposed to be skilled enough to use it.
2. Boot wiring diagram and instruction.
3. K-touch setup software: the folder “setup3” contains “setup3 manually.zip” and “setup3 xp automatic.exe” , xp user just directly click “setup3 xp automatic.exe” and follow the prompt to operate; win7 user firstly extract file “setup3 manually.zip” and get “raceloc.dll”, then manually replace raceloc.dll C:\Users\Your PC Name\AppData\Local\DimWare\RaceEVO\7.0.
4. TF FIX folder contains a video on how to reset the TF program. Note: change other TF card is not allowed, you have to use the built-in TF card.
5. How to renew the token video demo. After renew the machine get 30 tokens.
6. Install read me. Txt: contain simple setup instructions.
7. K-touch vehicle list for reference.
8. K-touch install on win7 procedure. Note: disconnect the network connection when you install and use k-touch, update device and software is not allowed.
9. K-touch install on windows xp procedure. Note: disconnect the network connection when you install and use k-touch, update device and software is not allowed.
10. Decompression software
Q: Which system does this new genius flash obd2 boot handheld ecu chiptuning tool work with?
A: This ktouch map obd2 master works with both Winxp and Win7, while please pay attention disconnect internet before use it.
install on Win7      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81RG4NGmHCI
install on Winxp   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-QIhJtTV4I
Q: How to reset tf card files of K-touch MAP obd2 master ?
A: If the tf card files of K-touch obd2 master get damaged, please watch the video SE128 K-Touch TF reset.avi to repair the ktouch software and tf card files.
1. Make sure TF card shall be matched with your k-touch map obd2 master, but not another tf card purchased from the other supplier
2. Format the TF card before repair it.
(Take out the TF card from K-Touch and install to the laptop, before format)
3. Run Win32DiskImage to write.
(The repair file k-touch.img shall be stored in Disk D:/ or E:/ , but not in the document file of Disk D:/ or E:/)
4. Connect Touch & Map device to use.
Q: Can i use new genius edite the ECU file and write it to new ECU?
A: For all our ECU programmer up to now, like New genuis, K-TAG, Kess v2 and fgtech.
All can read the data from Old ECU and write it to new one.
But cannot change or edite the ECU data you read out from the old ECU.
If you want to change, you can choose ECM TITANIUM on our website, or something enable you change the ECU file.
Then use our ECU programmer to write it to new ECU.
Another thing you need to pay attention that after you change the data, you need to use the tool which you use to change the data to do checksum.
Q: When install the Genius&Flash Point software pc version, it appeared Race EVO Fatal error: Invalid version of RaceLoc.dll, how to solve it?
A: This error is caused by the system. Please use the following solutions:
Method 1.  After completed setup, you need to manually replace raceloc.dll C:\Users\Your PC Name\AppData\Local\DimWare\RaceEVO\7.0
Method 2.  Try this: download this file: http://www.mediafire.com/download/u02k37lnu1mnui3/se128_install2.zip. And install it.
Tested and working


Q: How can i know if Genius K-Touch MAP OBD2 Master support my cars or not?
A: 1) Check the ECU type on new genuine supported ECU list.
Such as your car is marelli iaw 7sm, search on this list, you will find your ECU is FLASH_0436
2) Download the new genius supported protocol: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ir1ixs6ddsv1i3f/SE128-Protocol.zip, if you can find FL-0436 on protocol, then this one is supported.
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