MB SD C4 display error code 204, it means the multiplexer hardware procedure was deleted so that the mb sd c4 serial number display wrong and no wifi connection with mb sd c4.
How to fix the mb sd c4 dcdi errorcode 204 ? (The same solution to update MB SD C4 Firmware Procedure)
1. Prepare 6 common AA batteries of 5. Then install the battery by following the “1.steps-for-installing-battery” file.
Notes: The batteries need to be new with fully charged.
2. Connect the MB SD C4 interface with the computer by green cable. Then use the OBD cable to connect the MB SD C4 interface with car. If can not connect car, please use the OBD 12V power supply to take place of car.
Or it will display update failure errorcode 602.
Or it will display update failure errorcode 602.
3. Open the DAS software. Then check those 3 files Update_automatic, Update_manual, Update_Special from the C:\programm files\SDconnect Toolkit. If the name of the file is not right, please correct it.
4. Restart the computer.
5. Start to update MB SD C4 Firmware by following the file from: “2.Update SDconnect“.
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