Key Pro M8 key programmer driver install error “windows encounter a problem installing the driver “
After connect the Key Pro M8 with computer, then it doesn’t not allow to install the driver.
After connect the Key Pro M8 with computer, then it doesn’t not allow to install the driver.
Normally, the system will prompt out the driver installation message.
Here our technician offers three possible solutions:
1)Power up the Key Pro M8 key programmer and reconnect the device with computer/pc
2)Change another computer running Windows XP operating system
3)Change another USB cable to connect Key Pro M8 main unit and computer
If the system successfully displays driver installation message, here is the step-by-step guide of how to install Key Pro M8 driver.
If all above solutions fail to make the driver work, the machine is broken. Please contact us and send back your key pro m8 device back to repair.
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