BMW ICOM, ICOM A1, ICOM A2 and ICOM A3, What’s the difference? provide Best ICOM Diagnostic Tool for BMW cover BMW ICOM, ICOM A1, ICOM A2 and ICOM A3.
BMW ICOM A3 with newest sofwtare is 2015 latest diagnostic tool supports All Series Diagnose and Programming on
BMW Cars, BMW Motorcycle, Rolls-Royce, Mini Cooper, etc.

Now let’s check about the mainly differences between BMW ICOM, ICOM A1, ICOM A2 and ICOM A3.

1. Appearance.

bmw icom a1
bmw icom a2

BMW ICOM and BMW ICOM A share the same appearance.

2. BMW ICOM Software

ICOM and ICOM A software are named ISIS ISTA-P and ISID ISTA-D.
Latest version: 2013.01.

ICOM A2 and ICOM A3 software are named ISTA-D ISTA-P (or Rheingold version).
ICOM A2 current version: 2015.04 ISTA-D ISTA-P software.

ICOM A3 comes with 2015.02 HDD.

3. BMW ICOM Firmware/Hardware

BMW ICOM A and ICOM A2 firmware version: V1.18, V1.33, V1.36
BMW ICOM A3 firmware version: V1.37

If you need free firmware download link of firmware update for BWM ICOM, ICOM A and ICOM A2, please contact us customer service online.

ICOM A and ICOM A2 firmware PCB board:

4. BMW ICOM Functions:

BMW ICOM A and ICOM A2 share the same functions.
While due to the old BMW ICOM A module have problem in the cooling and protection design, ICOM A2 adopts the whole aluminum shell body,
using aerial explosion-proof connector; and  ICOM A2 for BMW use the joint connection line which similar to the SDCONNECT COMPACT 4 for Mercedes-Benz .

And the newest version ICOM A3 for BMW has a higher version firmware which is able to receive a significantly more powerful processor and more storage capacity.
ICOM A3 for BMW comes with robust aluminum box will help to avoid damage in harsh environments when using.

5. BMW ICOM Operating System

ICOM A can only be installed on Win XP O/S
ICOM A1: Win XP and Win 7 64 bit O/S
ICOM A2: Win XP and Win 7 O/S
ICOM A3: Professional Win7 64 bit (NO win XP)

6. In all, BMW ICOM, ICOM A, ICOM A2 share the same firmware version and functions but differs in appearance.

The newest version ICOM A2 works better in cooling, runs faster and works more stable, not easier broken than older ICOM.

ICOM A3 can program all units for all BMW series, but not media.

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