BMW ICOM A1 A2 Firmware Update to 1.25.02 1.40.05 for Rheingold 2015.11

The newest BMW ICOM firmware version has been released, technician can offer the icom firmware update file and instruction to help you update ICOM A1/ A2 system & application to the latest version fit for newest Rheingold 2015.11 icom software, which is a must to update the ICOM firmware to the latest; otherwise, it would fail to diagnosis or do programming on BMW vehicles.

Latest firmware version of icom a1 a2:

ICOM-PF-CORE 03.14.03
ICOM Application-01.40.05
ICOM Boot-01.25.02











How to update your BMW ICOM firmware to the newest version ?


1. ICOM A A2 diagnostic tool (make sure of your ICOM version, common version or super/perfect version)
2. Laptop with Win 7 Win 8
3. Free download ICOM A A2 firmware update files (pls contact for more details):




How to update ICOM A A2 system 01.25.02 application 01.40.05?


1 .Connect ICOM A1 / ICOM A2 to PC via wired network connection.
Connect ICOM A1 / ICOM A2 emulator to the vehicle or power on the emulator via 12V power adapter.

2. Open Internet Explorer
for icom a1/a2 common version, go to
User name: root
Password: NZY11502

for icom a2 super version, go to
User name: root
Password: NZY1150263

3 .Click “Update Firmware“, to get the ICOM firmware version.

4 .Select file “ICOM-BootImage-01-25-02.bin”, to set image type as SYSTEM, then click “Send the file”.

5. Prompt: Write the image file to the flash?
Select Yes, and the light on ICOM mux will turn red.

6 .Prompt: The SYSTEM IMAGE update was successful.
Click “Update Firmware”.

7. Select file “ICOM-ApplicationImage-01-40-05.bin”, to set image type as APPLICATION, and then click “Send the file”.
(several minutes needed)

8. Prompt: Write the image file to the flash?
Select Yes, and the light on ICOM mux will turn red for the second time.

9 .When all is ok, click “reboot“.

NOTE: change the local network connection, that is, set automatically obtain local network connection

Two update files are available. Use the small-size first, then the big-size.
When using the small-size file, select SYSTEM.
When using the big-size file, select APPLICATION.

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