UPA USB V1.3 Install on Win7 32bit Guide Manual

UPS USB Programmer supports ECU programming, flash memory, bulk erase data memory, and so on.

Here the engineer share with our UPS USB Prog customers install steps to setup UPA USB programmer full version v1.3.0.14 on Win7 32bit system.

No need activation!
Language: English
O.S.: Windows xp, windows 7 32-bit
Step 1 – install UPA USB programmer 1.3
extract UPA 1.3
open folder UPA 1.3->uuprog_14r2
run setup app to install UPA programmer
accept the agreement
click on Next continuously to install UPA-USB
UPA-USB programmer installation success
Step 2 – setup UPA USB programmer properties
copy all files here
open UPA-USB Device programmer properties
find target: C:\program files\elrasoft\upa-usb suite\device programmer, paste files and replace the existing file
close all interfaces
Step 3 – install UPA USB driver
install wizard from a list or specific location (Advanced)
the best driver location: My computer\ local disk C:\program files\elrasoft\upa-usb suite\usb driver\win_xp\x86
driver installation success
Step 4 – setup driver
open Computer management
setup ELRASOFT UPA-USB3.0 Driver (, 03/28/2012)
Step 5 – run upa usb v1.3 programmer software to read 93C46
run UPA-USB Device Programmer v1.3r2
enter the user name and activation key
UPA-USB Programmer V1.3 is the activated version, you can have access to new functions:
Added MC9S12HY64/HA32 support
Added Serial Flash memory support: A25L512/010/020/040/080/016/032, SST25VF512A/010A/020B/040B/080B/016B/032B, S25FL004A/008A/016A/032A/064A
Added 24C1024, 24C1025 support
Added Bulk erase data memory to PICs 16F913-7/946, 12F629/675
Added script function GetPage
Added script function AutoBaudRateDevice (hc08 devices only)
Added script function GetProgrammerFrameChildCtrl( AChildCtrlName: string): TControl
Added script function EnablePicMemoryAreas ( AProgram, AID, AConfig, ACalibration, AEEPROM: boolean ): boolean;
Fixed bug with script functions ProgramDevice, ReadDevice … when used with PICs
Fixed bug with SetHC08SecurityBytes (SecBytes: string) function
Fixed bug with 68hc11 reading if Oscillator is not set to Auto
Updated script example files
The software is digitally signed
USB driver upausb.sys is digitally signed
Here, read eeprom 93C46 as example


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