Comparison on OPEL Firmware V1.59 V1.45 V1.39

Comparison on Opcom OP-Com Can OBD2 for Opel diagnostic cable:

Item Name Opcom OP-Com 2012V Can OBD2 for OPEL Firmware V1.59 Opcom OP-Com 2012V Can OBD2 for OPEL Firmware V1.45 OPCOM OP-COM 2009 V CAN OBD2 OPEL Firmware V1.39
Appearance opcom fm v1.59 op-com-v1.45 opcom-op-com-2009
Language English English English, German
Firmware V1.59 V1.45 V1.39
Update Can’t update Can’t update Can’t update
PCB board 
Read high-definition
picture under this table
Read high-definition
picture under this table
Read high-definition
picture under this table
Workable Software VAUX-COM_120309a VAUX-COM_120309a Opcom090714
OS System
XP or Win7; make sure install dotnetfx35_SP1
system patch, or Opcom software can’t perform well;
install on Win7 and open software, please choose Run as administrator
XP or Win7; make sure install dotnetfx35_SP1
system patch, or Opcom software can’t perform well;
install on Win7 and open software, please choose Run as administrator
Activation No need activation No need activation No need activation
Software download!ft1SgD6K!DysK9l2FZC0dqM-DiGH7CbhVHh0yUFjixV5y39zf0Ow
PCB  op-com-with-pic18f458-chip  opcom-firmware-1.45 opcom-fm-v1.39


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