Xtool X-100 Pad vs EZ300 vs EZ400 vs EZ500

Xtool company newly release several universal pads, including Xtool X-100 Pad,Xtool EZ500,EZ400 and EZ300.
What’s the difference among these pads? Please Check the comparison table as below
Xtool Tools X100 Pad Xtool EZ300 Xtool EZ400 Xtool EZ500
Photo xtool-x-100-pad xtool-ez300 xtool-ez400
OBDII Diagnosis Engine,ABS,SRS,AT Full System Full System
Service Light Reset Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electrical Parking
Brake Adaptation
Yes Yes Yes
Throttle Body Adaptation
Yes Yes Yes
Odomter correction Yes Yes
Steering Angle Calibration Yes Yes Yes
Gear Learning Yes Yes
ABS bleeding Yes Yes Yes Yes
ECU Reset Yes Yes Yes Yes
TPMS Reset Yes Yes Yes
Battery Reset Yes Yes Yes


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