OBDSTAR X300DP Change KM for Cadillac ATSL 2016

OBDSTAR X300DP tablet Key Programmer support keys programming and some special functions like ECU programming, pin code reading, mileage adjusting etc. Obdstar x-300 dp is really a higher level diagnostic tool for workshop or dealer.

Now let’s check the engineer share how to do mileage adjustment for Cadillac ATSL 2016.

-Cadillac ATSL 2016

OBDSTAR X300DP PAD Tablet Key Programmer

Step1: Connect X300DP with vechile and open X300DP
Press on START button

Step2: Choose vehicle information
Choose “Mileage adjust” option and click on GM

Choose GM V30.45 to go on

Then choose Cadillac

Choose ATS2013-

Mileage adjustment (correction)

It is communicating…

Step3: Adjust mileage
The current mileage information

Input the new mileage and press Enter to continue

Value: 3061

It is communicating…

The mileage value at presant

Done! Successfully change mileage for Cadillac ATSL 2016

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