What does PSA BSI tool support ?
PSA BSI Tool Include hardware device and software, also user manual.
You must connect hardware to PC before run the software.
You must connect hardware to PC before run the software.
PSA BSI tool main features:
1. Read/Write KM stored in BSI
2. Read PIN code stored in BSI and use it to learn key
3. Read BSI Flash
4. Write BSI Flash produced by Johnson Controls
5. Read/Write BSI EEPROM produced by Siemens VDO
6. Support English.
How to use PSA BSI tool to read/write KM/Kilometer for
1.Read KM: Can read KM stored in BSI.
2.Write KM: Can write KM stored in BSI.
How to read/write EEPROM and Read/write FLASH with PSA BSI Tool?
PSA BSI tool is able to read/Write EEPROM, Read/Write c, Save File, Load File..
1. PSA BSI tool Read EEPROM: Only support read BSI produced by Siemens VDO.
2. Write EEPROM: Only support write BSI produced by Siemens VDO.
3. PSA BSI tool Read FLASH: Support all BSI type, support to backup flash before other operation.
4. Save To File: Save the read data to a file.
5. Load From File…: Load the saved file, prepare for written operation.
Following is part information in EEPROM/FLASH function using PSA BSI.
How to conenct PSA BSI tool ?
1. OBD II connector—Connects the tool to the vehicle’s Data Link connector (DLC).
2. USB connector—Connects the tool to the PC/Laptop through USB Cable.
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