How to Setup VXDIAG VCX NANO ODIS 3.0.3 VAG ?

The newest ODIS 3.0.3+ Postsetup 9.3.10 diagnostic software works for VAG group VW Audi Skoda Seat Bentley Lamborghini has been verified working perfect with VXDIAG VCX NANO 5054 WiFi version interface.

Here let’s view installation guide on ODIS-Service 3.0.3 setup on Windows 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit).

Basic info:

– software version: ODIS 3.0.3 Postsetup 9.3.10

– O.S.: Windows 7 system

– connection WIFI / USB

– Better than VAS 5054A

How to install VAG ODIS 3.0.3 step by step?

1 run OffboardDiagnosticSetup-Service_3_0_3 application and install ODIS 3.0.3

(license in license.dat)


2 replace OffboardFiagLaunch application in disk C: with that in ODIS 3.0.3 disk F:

3 run ODIS 3.0.3 on Desktop and setup Postsetup 9.3.10 (about 1 hour)

Enter PostSetup user name (default: abc) and keyword (default:123)

Select Setup language


4 softing vehicle interface setup: VAS5054

5 run ODIS 3.0.3 for Diagnosis on 3C Passat sedan 2007


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