How to Make Cadillac Seville SLS 2010 Key with Xtool X300+ X300 Plus?

Original Xtool X300 Plus X300+ Key Programmer with a simple and robust design, to make your vehicle service experience much easier!

Xtool X300 Plus Highlights:

100% Original XTOOL Brand
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with EEPROM Adapter
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Here engineer has successfully programmed smart key for Cadillac Seville SLS 2010 model. Also if adds key or programs all keys lost for this model are the same operation as below.

For Cadillac pre-2009, you can program key new directly.

While for Cadillac 2009-up, you are required to get security code to access.

How to get Cadillac security code and program key  with X300+? can use Xtool X300+ X300 Plus key programmer to get security code via OBD (X300 pro will read security code for Cadillac ATS/ATSL/XTS/SRX/SLS till 2015).

2.You use GM MDI Multiple Diagnostic Interface online programming to make this key

3.If you do not have X300, you need to remove dash to get code. We will show this way in detail.

I. Obtain security code

You can disassemble the BCM box to find out 93c86 CPU inside the trunk or remove Rear Integration Module to locate 93c56 CPU(has been verified working by our engineer). Pictures attached below:


Here’s the Rear Integration Module, open the box, find out 8-foot chip 93C56 in CPU
Solder and read 93c56 data with ecu programmer,i.e tm100. You can see the security code in Line 0A0, code display as “8552” in ASCII area.

II. Program smart key

Connect the key programmer with vehicle via OBD socket
Select vehicle Cadillac Seville SLS
Follow the menu instructions to enter the security code to program key


Do not insert the smart card into the car slot during key programming procedure.
The slot is inside the toolbox near the shift lever position.


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