Renault Can Clip V159 Install Feedback on Best Operating System Tested

Which operating system can best work on Renault CAN CLiP v159 (or other old versions)?

Here, the engineers collect the details from some clip users, especially for the issues of unsuccessful installation on Windows 7 64bit and optional solutions of it.

*** Works on Windows XP

Works only Win XP, if you want you need a virtual machine for use this in win 7 but i never tested this

*** Windows 7, work or not

– Works fine on win7 x86.

– Yes, Can Clip runs on Windows 7-x64 and Windows 8….8.1-x64 m because use x-86 files from the system.

– If your version of Windows 7 Home Basic or Home Premium x64 it is normally not work, try Enterprise or Ultimate , I use Win 7 Ultimate x64 and canclip works very well

– Automatically detect a driver in both win7 and in win7-x86-x64, a kind can clip ALIANCE driver, bosch automotive … etc..
is absolutely necessary to have all updates made​to the operating system before installation canclip

– i try install in win 7 x64 pc but the driver of VCI not work

– It is NOT working in my Win7 64-bit

– same issue, not working W7 64bit


Why some Renault CLIP cannot work on Widows 7 64bit?

– The Clip software itself works with 64bit version of Windows 7 but the hardware won’t.. Simply because the there are no 64bit drivers for SONDE can clip..

– I think there are no drivers made for 64bit windows…
it works only with 32bit windows

What to do if Renault CAN CLIP cannot work on Windows 64 bit?

-Try disable driver signature enforsment in win 64bit..that help many times

– Or just RIGHT CLICK the .inf File and click INSTALL
Then if you get certificate error you can fix that in device manager/
by right click and install certificate even if invalid

– You need to know your can clip is probe (sonde) or alliance.
alliance = works both on 32 and 64 bit os
probe (sonde) = works only on 32 bit os
i think sonde is better than alliance

You can disassemble your CAN Clip and check it on PCB

Real CAN CLIP PROBE clone – RLT2002


Allianbce hybrid Can Clip sonde – 926573


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