How to Update BMW ICOM Next firmware ?

BMW ICOM Next A+B+C diagnostic and programming tool is the Latest Generation of ICOM A2 For BMW, MINI, Rolls-Royce BMW-Model. BMW ICOM NEXT newest firmware 3.14.10 is available. There are still many users confuse about how to update ICOM NEXT A+B+C firmware.

First, you need to download the file, they were free, these resource were shared by kind friends on the forum, pleased try it at your own risk, i don’t take responsibility for any damage for your device:
Download ICOM NEXT firmware 3.14.10:!uZ0XgTbB!0pW25mgpiUuhB2K5gBIxw9O-Yj65aQ1Jh50RdKAD4Is
Download ICOM NEXT firmware 3.14.08:!D0cwTTzb!LCeRki-jObvuV9m6UaRsxiGCuHlwv-u33ShJO4ZGXaQ
ICOM Image 03.14.08 (Application image+ Firmware image+ ICOM NEXT app .tar.gz+ ICOM NEXT rootfs. tar.gz)!zZUXiYpI!H9-RKjfqd4Mjk9EoWMlxLw

How to update BMW ICOM NEXT firmware?
There are two optional ways for you: one is using ISTA-D, another is by MSI Installer and Web interface.

Option 1. Update BMW ICOM NEXT firmware via ISTA-D:
First, install ISTA-D software on your system so you can use it to install the firmware on your ICOM.
Next, start ISTA-D with ICOM connected to your car (Don’t need KL15, KL30 13.8V on pin 16 and ground on 4+5 is enough)
Then, go to connection manager and start the update.
How to get to the ISTA connection manager?
You can click on the button as following picture shows:

Option 2. Update BMW ICOM NEXT firmware via WIS Installer:
First, install the MSI installer
Next, find the system and application firmware file (.bin for ICOM A1/A2 and .tar.gz for ICOM NEXT) in your installed folder, System = ICOM Next-rootfs-XXXXXX. tar.gz, Application = ICOM Next-app-XXXXXX. tar.gz
Then, upgrade the ICOM firmware by web interface.
Note: For BMW ICOM NEXT firmware, the tarball is in C:\ProgramData\BMW\ISPI\data\TRIC\ICOMNext after you installed the MSI installer.

ICOM NEXT firmware 3.14.10 is tested on forum.
Here is feedback for your reference:
I test it this morning on a CIC of an E90 and an E60. And now also ICOM NEXT is flashing like HELL. So the bug of slow flashing CICR is gone with this upgrade. This I can confirm. THANK, it was long waiting but it was worth it.

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